2008년 4월 29일 화요일


http://arch1392c.wetpaint.com/page/arch1392+C+Home/thread is our wiki

From the presentation last week, some issues were raised:

what is market rate?
why is it important?
why do they need market rate housing?
history of the region (green point peers) ?

The unbuilt architecture we used represented a rather elaborate market-rate housing to be built above reconstructed piers in the Greenpoint neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York.

For many households, rental housing is a preference; for others, it is a financial necessity. With few exceptions, only households at the high end of the low-income rangecould afford any of the houses that were for sale. For the rest, rental housing is often the onlychoice. Households with limited choices include in-movers, especially recent immigrants; youngworkers; long-term workers in low-wage jobs; and older residents with limited incomes.

Market rate housing provides some rental units that are affordable to low and moderate income households.

Maintaining an economically diverse residential base is critical to the health of a municipality. The addition of new housing units such as market rate hosusing in a growing area is a necessity and an automatic outcome of population shifts. In declining areas, developing new housing is often a challenge, but it is viewed as an important economic development strategy. By retaining residents or attracting new ones to the city, local leaders hope to capture additional tax revenue. New housing not only adds to the residential property tax base, but can also contribute to the commercial property tax base by attracting new businesses.

The reason for choosing "Market rate hosuing" was because of its cheap housing in a bad area. It would be full of junkies and squatters would be interesting to of play around, in such an open area with little furnishing, and dark gloomy shadowy lighting. On the other hand, its background has images of skyscrapers. We believed that the conflict between the two was interesting. The area may look dark and gloomy but as the viewer looks further ahead there would be bright sunny environment conflicting the area. It would be interesting to show this in a UT3 environment.


My definition of itent is "If you are intent on doing something, you are eager and determined to do it." Intent in terms of digital collaboration is designs that are created for a purpose.

As mentioned in last week's presentation we started off with choices of buildings. Each of us intended to work on different buildings of their choices and narrowed it down to 2 buildings.

In terms of knowledge, the market rate building had the most information given to us in terms of plans, sections, views and so on. Conflict, as mentioned above, matching our three themese given. Through out discussions our intent was to choose the Market rate hosuing.


댓글 2개:

Jack Barton :

It is also very topical. Surely this is more important than the fact that you simply had access to the documentation...

Jack Barton :
